CrossFit Rosslyn

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Workout of the Day - December 31, 2019

For time:
- 31 Push Presses (Rx: 75#/55#, L2: 65#/45#, L3: 55#/35#)
- 31 Pull-Ups (L2: Band, L3: Australian Rows)
- 31 Snatches (Rx: 75#/55#, L2: 65#/45#, L3: 55#/35#)
- 31 Sit-Ups
- 31 Toes-to-Bars (L2: Hanging knee raises, L3: Clam Crunches)
- 31 Push-Ups (L2: Knees)
- 31 Box Jumps (Rx: 24”/20”, L2: 20”/16”)
- 31 Back Squats (Rx: 75#/55#, L2: 65#/45#, L3: 55#/35#)
- 31 Unbroken Double-Unders (L2: Singles)
- 31 Thrusters (Rx: 75#/55#, L2: 65#/45#, L3: 55#/35#)
- 31 Lunges
- 31 Burpees
- 365m Row

With a running clock, perform 31 repetitions of the 12 movements in the order written. Double Unders must be unbroken. If athlete trips before completing 31, start the Double Unders over. After the Burpees, move immediately to the 365 meter Row to “cash out” and finish the workout.