CrossFit Rosslyn

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Workout of the Day - April 30, 2019

Split Jerk:
- 5x2 @ 80%

20 Minute AMRAP:
- 20 Wall Balls (Rx: 20# to 10’/14# to 9’, L2: 20# to 9’/12# to 9’, L3: 14# to 10’/10# to 9’)
- 30 Lunges
- 20 Dumbbell Snatches (Rx: 45#/30#, L2: 35#/25#, L3: 25#/15#)
- 30 Clam Crunches
* Every 4 minutes complete 10 Burpees (Minute 4, 8, 12, & 16)
Score = Total reps, not including the Burpees