Workout of the Day - February 1, 2022

Back Squat:
Running clock:
- On the 0: 9 reps
- On the 2: 7 reps
- On the 4: 5 reps
- On the 6: 3 reps
- On the 8: 1 rep
- On the 9: 1 rep
- On the 10: 1 rep
- On the 11: 1 rep
- On the 12: 1 rep
Increase weight for each set. The first 4 sets are completed on the 2:00. The next 5 sets are completed on the 1:00.

12 minute AMRAP:
- 10 Burpees
- 25 Double Unders
1 minute Rest
3 minute AMRAP:
- Row for meters