Workout of the Day - August 2, 2023

5 minutes for quality:
- 1:00 Row
- 10 PVC Overhead Squats
- 10 Scapular Pull-ups
- 0:30 Hollow Rock

Overhead Squat:
- Every 2:00 x 6 sets
- 1x4 @ 70%
- 1x3 @ 75%
- 1x2 @ 80%
- 1x2 @ 84%
- 1x1 @ 89%
- 1x3 @ 60%

16 minute AMRAP:
- 30/24 Calorie Row
- 20 Walking Lunges
- 20 Hollow Rocks
- 10 Handstand Push-ups

Focus Movement = Handstand Push-ups