Posts tagged box jumps
Workout of the Day - December 23, 2023

12 Days of Christmas
- 1 Push Press (115/80)
- 2 Front Squats (115/80)
- 3 Power Cleans (115/80)
- 4 Deadlifts (115/80)
- 5 Pull-ups
- 6 Box Jumps/Step-ups
- 7 Burpees
- 8 Air Squats
- 9 Sit-ups
- 10 Push-ups
- 11 Walking Lunges (each side)
- 12 Calorie Row

Like the song the “12 Days of Christmas,” complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. Like this: 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, then 4-3-2-1, etc. – all the way to 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.

Workout of the Day - October 18, 2023

- 1:30 Foam Roll Quads
- 1:00 Twisted Lizard (each side)
- 0:30 Chair Pose
- 0:30 Chair Pose w/ Twist (each side)

5 minutes for quality:
- 100m Run
- 10 Suitcase Deadlifts (each side)
- 20 Heel Overs

- Every 3:00 x 4 sets
- 4x5 @ 76%
- 5 Seated Box Jumps after each set

15 minute AMRAP:
- 5 Power Snatches (95/65)
- 5 Overhead Squats (95/65)
- 200m Run
- 10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
- 20 Sit-ups

Focus Movement = Power Snatch

Workout of the Day - February 14, 2023

Valentine’s Day Partner WOD

For time:
- 50 Box Jumps/Step-ups
- 50 Kettlebell Swings (55/35)
- 50 Abmat Sit-ups
- 50 Deadlifts (155/115)
- 50 Burpees
- 50 Pull-Ups
- 50 Overhead Lunges (45/25)
- 50 Hand Release Push-ups
- 50 Wall Balls
- 50 Double Unders
- 1000m/750m Row
Split all reps evenly with only 1 partner working at a time.

Workout of the Day - December 24, 2022

12 Days of Christmas
- 1 Push Press (115/80)
- 2 Front Squats (115/80)
- 3 Power Cleans (115/80)
- 4 Deadlifts (115/80)
- 5 Pull-ups
- 6 Box Jumps
- 7 Burpees
- 8 Air Squats
- 9 Sit-ups
- 10 Push-ups
- 11 Walking Lunges (Each Leg - 22 Total)
- 12 Calorie Row

Like the song the “12 Days of Christmas,” complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. Like this: 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, then 4-3-2-1, etc. – all the way to 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.