Posts tagged med ball clean
Workout of the Day - January 26, 2024

- 2:00 Roll Plantar Fascia
- 1:30 Plantar Fascia Stretch
- 1:00 Top of Foot Stretch
- 8 Metatarsal Rolls
- 1:30 Banded Down Dog Sequence

5 minutes for quality:
- 100m Run
- 10 PVC Overhead Squats
- 15 Banded Good Mornings
- 10 V-ups

Squat Snatch:
- Every 1:30 x 7 sets
- 1x3 @ 72%
- 1x2 @ 77%
- 1x2 @ 80%
- 1x2 @ 84%
- 3x2 @ 88%

3 Rounds for time:
- 20 Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
- 20 Medicine Ball Cleans
- 20 Abmat Sit-ups
- 200m Run

Focus Movement = Dumbbell Snatch

Workout of the Day - November 22, 2023

Wednesday 22nd - 6am & 12pm Classes Only!

- 2:00 Lacrosse Ball Posterior Shoulder
- 10 Windmills (each side)
- 0:30 Wrist Stretch (each position)
- 10 Cat Cows
- 10 Crab Bridges

5 minutes for quality:
- 10 Burpees
- 20 Cossack Squats
- 15 Dumbbell Rear Delt Flys
- 0:20 Side Plank (each side)

Power Snatch:
- Every 1:30 x 7 sets
- 4x3 @ 73%
- 1x1 @ 78%
- 2x1 @ 85%

4 Rounds for time:
- 10 Push Presses (115/80)
- 10 Pull-ups
- 20 Medicine Ball Cleans
- 20 Clam Crunches
- 100m Farmers Carry (55/35)

Focus Movement = Medicine Ball Cleans

Workout of the Day - October 31, 2023

- 1:30 Foam Roll Quads
- 1:00 Twisted Lizard (each side)
- 0:30 Chair Pose
- 0:30 Chair Pose w/ Twist (each side)

5 minutes for quality:
- 1:00 Row
- 0:30 Ring Support Hold
- 10 Monster Walks (each side)
- 10 V-ups

Front Squat:
- Every 1:30 x 6 sets
- 3x1 @ 86%
- 3x3 @ 75%

5 Rounds for time:
- 10 Medicine Ball Cleans
- 10 Toes to Bar
- 10 Sprawls
- 200m Run

Focus Movement = Toes to Bar

Workout of the Day - October 27, 2023

- 1:30 Foam Roll Quads
- 1:00 Twisted Lizard (each side)
- 0:30 Chair Pose
- 0:30 Chair Pose w/ Twist (each side)

5 minutes for quality:
- 15/12 Calorie Row
- 15 Jump Squats
- 30 Single Unders
- 16 Starfish Crunches

Back Squat:
- 15:00 to complete a 1RM

15 minute AMRAP:
- 20 Dumbbell Snatches (35/25)
- 20/16 Calorie Row
- 15 Medicine Ball Cleans
- 15 Hollow Rocks
- 50 Double Unders

Focus Movement = Medicine Ball Cleans

Workout of the Day - October 19, 2023

- 1:30 Banded Pec Stretch (each side)
- 10 Windmills (each side)
- 10 Scapula Circles/Cat Cows
- 8 Thoracic Bridges

2 Sets:
- 10 Deadlifts
- 10 Upright Rows
- 5 Hang Power Cleans
- 10 Front Squats
- 10 Strict Presses
- 10 Good Mornings
Use an empty barbell for all movements

Power Clean + Power Jerk:
- Every 1:30 x 6 sets
- 6x(2+1) @ 82%

5 Rounds for time:
- 2 Rope Climbs
- 15 Medicine Ball Cleans
- 15 Burpees

Focus Movement = Rope Climb