Workout of the Day - February 16, 2022

Accessory #1
3 Sets:
- 8 Contralateral Reverse Lunge (each side)
- 8 Single Arm Overhead Press (each side)

Accessory #2
3 Sets:
- 15 Banded Leg Raises (each side)
- 15 Bicep Curls

3 Sets:
- 30 seconds Russian Twists
- 15 seconds Rest
- 30 seconds Hollow Hold
- 15 seconds Rest
- 30 seconds Medicine Ball Mountain Climbers
- 1 minute Rest

For time:
- 24 Push-ups
- 24 Slam Balls
- 30/24 Calorie Row
- 18 Push-ups
- 18 Slam Balls
- 30/34 Calorie Row
- 12 Push-ups
- 12 Slam Balls
Time cap = 10 minutes