Posts tagged Pullups
Workout of The Day - January 4th 2020

Max Mondays starting January 11th 

Squat  Jan 11th 

Deadlifts 18th 

Press 25th 

Front Squats Feb 1st 

If your going to test your max go lighter on the lifts this week!!! keep your scores good Luck !!

Strict pull-ups 


Back squat from the floor 

5 reps 55 % of your body weight 

11 burpee over bar 

16 clam crunches 


15 min time cap 


20 hip rockers 

20 toe touches 


WODGuest UserPullups
Workout of the Day - December 31, 2019

For time:
- 31 Push Presses (Rx: 75#/55#, L2: 65#/45#, L3: 55#/35#)
- 31 Pull-Ups (L2: Band, L3: Australian Rows)
- 31 Snatches (Rx: 75#/55#, L2: 65#/45#, L3: 55#/35#)
- 31 Sit-Ups
- 31 Toes-to-Bars (L2: Hanging knee raises, L3: Clam Crunches)
- 31 Push-Ups (L2: Knees)
- 31 Box Jumps (Rx: 24”/20”, L2: 20”/16”)
- 31 Back Squats (Rx: 75#/55#, L2: 65#/45#, L3: 55#/35#)
- 31 Unbroken Double-Unders (L2: Singles)
- 31 Thrusters (Rx: 75#/55#, L2: 65#/45#, L3: 55#/35#)
- 31 Lunges
- 31 Burpees
- 365m Row

With a running clock, perform 31 repetitions of the 12 movements in the order written. Double Unders must be unbroken. If athlete trips before completing 31, start the Double Unders over. After the Burpees, move immediately to the 365 meter Row to “cash out” and finish the workout.

Workout of the Day - December 24, 2019

12 Days of Christmas
- 1 Push Press (Rx:115#/80#, L2: 95#/65#, L3:80#/50#)
- 2 Front Squats (Rx:115#/80#, L2: 95#/65#, L3:80#/50#)
- 3 Power Cleans (Rx:115#/80#, L2: 95#/65#, L3:80#/50#)
- 4 Deadlifts (Rx:115#/80#, L2: 95#/65#, L3:80#/50#)
- 5 Pull-ups (L2: Band, L3: Australian Rows)
- 6 Box Jumps (Rx: 24”/20”, L2: 20”/16”)
- 7 Burpees
- 8 Air Squats
- 9 Sit-ups
- 10 Push-ups (L2: Knees)
- 11 Walking Lunges (Each Leg - 22 Total)
- 12 Calorie Row

Like the song the “12 Days of Christmas,” complete each exercise in ascending order then work back down to 1, adding one exercise per round. Like this: 1, then 2-1, then 3-2-1, then 4-3-2-1, etc. – all the way to 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1.

Workout of the Day - December 21, 2019

Partner WOD
With a 30 minute running clock complete:
15 minute AMRAP:
- 20 Pull-ups (L2: Australian Rows)
- 40 Air Squats
- 200m Run (20 reps)
10 minute AMRAP:
- 20 Dumbbell Thrusters (Rx: 45#/30#, L2: 35#/20#, L3: 25#/15#)
- 30 Sit-ups
5 minute AMRAP:
- Burpees
After finishing one AMRAP, move immediately onto the next one with no rest. Split all reps evenly with only one partner working at a time; run together.
Score = Total reps completed for all 3 AMRAPs.

Workout of the Day - December 4, 2019

Front Squat:
- 5x2 @ 85%

For time:
- 15 Pull-ups (L2: Australian Rows)
- 400m Run
- 12 Pull-ups (L2: Australian Rows)
- 300m Run
- 9 Pull-ups (L2: Australian Rows)
- 200m Run
- 15 Power Cleans (Rx: 115#/80#, L2: 95#/65#, L3: 75#/50#)
- 400m Run
- 12 Power Cleans (Rx: 115#/80#, L2: 95#/65#, L3: 75#/50#)
- 300m Run
- 9 Power Cleans (Rx: 115#/80#, L2: 95#/65#, L3: 75#/50#)
- 200m Run
Time Cap = 17 minutes

Workout of the Day - November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving Day Schedule: 8AM Class ONLY!

“Thanksgiving with the Girls”
For Time:
"Angie's" House
20 Pull-ups (L2: Australian Rows)
20 Push-ups (L2: Knees)
20 Sit-ups
20 Air Squats

"Helen's" House
- 400 meter Run
- 21 Kettlebell Swings (Rx: 55#/35#, L2: 35#/25#, L3: 25#/15#)
- 12 Pull-Ups (L2: Australian Rows)

"Fran's" House
- 15 Thrusters (Rx: 95#/65#, L2: 80#/50#, L3: 65#/35#)

"Nancy's" House
- 400 meter Run
- 15 Overhead Squats (Rx: 95#/65#, L2: 80#/50#, L3: 65#/35#)

"Grace/Isabel's" House
- 20 Ground-To-Overheads (Rx: 95#/65#, L2: 80#/50#, L3: 65#/35#)

"Kelly's" House
- 400 meter Run
- 30 Box Jumps (Rx: 24”/20”, L2: 20”/16”)
- 30 Wall Balls (Rx: 20# to 10’/14# to 9’, Scaled: 14# to 10’/10# to 9’)
