Workout of the Day - April 4, 2024

- 2:00 Pec Release
- 10 Windmills (each side)
- 0:30 Wrist Stretches (3 ways)
- 10 Shoulder Bridges
- 8 Straight Bridges
- 6 Crab Bridges
- 3 Full Bridges

5 minutes for quality:
- 1:00 Row
- 10 Kip Swings
- 10 Single Arm Kettlebell Press (Each side)
- 5 Inchworms

Strict Press:
- Every 2:30 x 3 sets
- 1x Max Reps @ 75%
- 2 sets @ 63%, match reps from first set

16 minute AMRAP:
- 15 Burpees
- 20 Walking Lunges
- 25 Kettlebell Swings (55/35)
- 100m Farmers Carry (55/35)

Focus Movement = Kettlebell Swings