Posts tagged flutter kicks
Workout of the Day - September 14, 2023

Accessory #1
3 Sets:
- 8 Dumbbell Z-Presses
- 12 Dumbbell Reverse Flys
- 8 Goblet Curtsy Lunges (each side)
- 30 Flutter Kicks (total)
- 1:00 Medicine Ball Bear Hug Walk

Accessory #2
3 Sets:
- 10 Barbell Bicep Curls
- 15 Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extensions
- 15 Banded Side Steps (each side)
- 30 Russian Twists (total)
- 1:00 Dead Hang

Workout of the Day - March 19, 2020

Home Workout

- 10 Inchworms w/ Push-up
- 10 Deep Squats w/ Reach
- 20 Quad Stretches
- 20 Side Lunges
- 20 Arm Circles
- 20 Open & Close
- 20 Up & Down

8 minute AMRAP:
- 20 Dips (use a low surface, like a couch or chair)
- 20 Lunges (total)
- 20 Bicycle Crunches (each side)
Rest 3 minutes
8 minute AMRAP:
- 20 Plank Rotations (total)
- 20 Lunges (total)
- 20 Flutter Kicks (each side)

Join our ‘VERVE/CF Rosslyn Club’ Facebook Group to share your workout results with our community!

Workout of the Day - March 10, 2020

- 3-2-2-1-1

3 Rounds for time:
- 10 Pull-ups (L2: Band, L3: Australian Rows)
- 15 Hand Release Push-ups (L2: Knees)
- 20 Wall Balls (Rx: 20# to 10’/14# to 9’, L2: 20# to 9’/12# to 9’, L3: 14# to 10’/10# to 9’)

2 Rounds:
- 1 minute Flutter Kicks w/ Medicine Ball overhead
- 1 minute Russian Twists w/ Medicine Ball
- 1 minute Hollow Rocks
