Posts in WOD
Workout of the Day - February 7, 2019

- Weighted Abmat Sit-ups - 3x10
- Weighted Plank - 3x30 Seconds
- Weighted Wall Sit - 3x1 Minute

12 Minute AMRAP:
- 15 Wall Balls (Rx: 20# to 10’/14# to 9’, L2: 20# to 9’/12# to 9’, L3: 14# to 10’/10# to 9’)
- 15 Toes to Bar (L2: Knees to Elbows, L3: Hanging Knee Raises)
- 15 Hang Cleans (Rx: 95#/65#, L2: 80#/50#, L3: 65#/35#)

Cool Down
- 10 V-Ups
- 30 Russian Twists (1, 2, 3…)
- Banded Shoulder Stretch (30 Second Hold)

Workout of the Day - January 31, 2019

Partner Wod 

1000m Row
2 rds of
-10 T2 B (L2: K2arms, L3: knee ups)
-10 Russian KB swings (Rx: 2pood/1.5pood, L2: 1.5pood/1pood, L3: lighter)
-10 hollow rocks (Rx: straight legs with arms behind ears the whole time, L2/3: bend knees or arms in front of ears)
-200 DUs (L2: 100DUs, L3: 600 JR)
2 rds of 
-10 Pull-ups (Rx: strict, L2: kipping or butterfly, L3: band)
-10 American KB swings 
-10 hollow rocks 

500m Row
2 rds of
-10 T2B 
-10 Russian KB swings
-10 hollow rocks 
-200 DUs
2 rds of 
-10 Pull-ups 
-10 American KB swings 
-10 hollow rocks 

Then Mobility and Stretch Work

Workout of Day -January 21, 2019

MLK Monday schedule
10am WOD
5pm WOD

MLK Monday
2 rounds
19 Wall Ball (20/14)
29 Pullups (RX is strict/L2 is kipping or butterfly)
39 cal row
19 Man Makers (25lb DB /15lb DB )
68 Mountain Climbers

Martin Luther King was Born on January 15th 1929. He was assassinated April 4th 1968. He was 39 years old
