Posts tagged db push press
Workout of the Day - October 2, 2023

- 1:30 Banded Pec Stretch (each side)
- 10 Windmills (each side)
- 10 Scapula Circles/Cat Cows
- 8 Thoracic Bridges

5 minutes for quality:
- 100m Run
- 20 High Plank Shoulder Taps
- 20 Dead Bugs

Strict Press:
- Every 2:00 x 5 sets
- 1x8 @ 70%
- 1x6 @ 74%
- 3x5 @ 78%

15 minute AMRAP:
- 20/16 Calorie Row
- 12 Dumbbell Push Presses (50/35)
- 24 Walking Lunges
- 50 Double Unders

Focus Movement = Dumbbell Push Press

Workout of the Day - February 15, 2020

Partner WOD
For time:
- 160 Calorie Row
- 120 Wall Balls (Rx: 20# to 10’/14# to 9’, L2: 20# to 9’/12# to 9’, L3: 14# to 10’/10# to 9’)
- 80 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (Rx: 35#/25#, L2: 25#/15#, L3: 15#/10#)
- 40 Burpees over Rower
- 20 Handstand Push-ups (L2: Pike Press)
- 40 Push-ups (L2: Knees)
- 80 Dumbbell Push Press (Rx: 35#/25#, L2: 25#/15#, L3: 15#/10#)
- 120 Med Ball Cleans (Rx: 20#/14#, L2: 14#/12#, L3: 12#/10#)
- 160 Calorie Row
Only one Partner working at a time. Split everything evenly.
Time cap = 40 minutes

Workout of the Day - November 21, 2019

3 Rounds not for time:
- 20 Ring Rows
- 20 Weighted Step-ups each leg

6 minute AMRAP:
- 40 Double Unders (L2: 80 Singles)
- 20 Dumbbell Snatch (Rx: 45#/35#, L2: 35#/25#, L3: 25#/15#)

2 minute Rest

4 minute AMRAP:
- 20 Air Squats
- 10 Push Press (Rx: 45#/35#, L2: 35#/25#, L3: 25#/15#)

2 minute Rest

2 minute AMRAP:
- Burpees

3 Rounds:
- 1 minute Plank
- 20 Hollow Rocks
