Posts tagged push jerks
Workout of the Day - March 24, 2023

Handstand/Handstand Walk Practice

19 minute EMOM (5 Rounds):
- 1st minute = Barbell Movement
- 2nd minute = Calorie Row
- 3rd minute = Burpees
- 4th minute = Rest
The Barbell movement changes each round (5 Rounds). The movements are: Push Jerk, Sumo Deadlift High Pull, Front Squat, Back Squat & Thruster. They do not have to be in that order! You get to chose which Barbell Movement you do on each round, but you must do them all once. Pick a weight that is challenging and try to keep the same weight for all 5 movements. Row and Burpees stay the same each round.
Score = Total reps

Workout of the Day - September 11, 2021

“9/11 Tribute”
For Time:
- 2001m Run
- 11 Box Jumps
- 11 Thrusters (Rx: 125#/85#)
- 11 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
- 11 Power Cleans (Rx: 175#/115#)
- 11 Handstand Push-ups
- 11 Kettlebell Swings (Rx: 70#/55#)
- 11 Toes to Bar
- 11 Deadlifts (Rx: 175#/115#)
- 11 Push Jerks (Rx: 125#/85#)
- 2001m Row
Either start with the Run and end with the Row, or start with the Row and end with the Run.
Use one barbell. When switching weights, use a weight where you can add one plate to each side to increase, and then remove to decrease the weight.